20100517: Lunch
Bread with Olive Oil
Sausage Pepper:
There are six sausages, about three inches each. Red and green bell peppers. Delicious flavor. Probably onions. Goes together great with the gnocchi.
L Gnocchi:
So I was told gnocchi is made of potato. The dish taste good. But I feel like the sausage pepper definitely added to the flavor.

Relevant Links:
Maggiano's Little Italy Website
Bread with Olive Oil
Sausage Pepper:
There are six sausages, about three inches each. Red and green bell peppers. Delicious flavor. Probably onions. Goes together great with the gnocchi.
L Gnocchi:
So I was told gnocchi is made of potato. The dish taste good. But I feel like the sausage pepper definitely added to the flavor.
Relevant Links:
Maggiano's Little Italy Website
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